TLDR: You can access a secure Internet sandbox created by my team and me through, where we operate browsers in virtual machines and stream them as a video to you. This setup ensures a controlled and isolated browsing environment, safeguarding your computer from potential cyber threats and allowing for safe exploration of the web.

Internet Sandbox – What Is It?

An Internet sandbox is a secure, isolated environment where untested, untrusted, or unknown websites and applications can be opened safely, without risking the integrity of the primary operating system. Essentially, it acts like a quarantined area or a secondary Internet browsing environment, separate from the user's main system and network. In this environment, users can safely experiment with new software, explore websites that may pose security risks, or test potentially malicious email attachments. The sandbox environment prevents any harmful code from affecting the main system, offering a robust layer of protection against viruses, malware, and other cyber threats. This makes it an invaluable tool for both personal and professional use, ensuring online activities remain secure and isolated from critical system resources.

What Are Internet Sandbox Use Cases?

Exploring Unknown Links and Websites

When encountering links from unknown sources or wanting to explore new websites with uncertainty about their safety, users can use an Internet sandbox. This allows them to view the content without exposing their personal data or system to potential risks like spyware or intrusive tracking cookies.

Email Screening

Internet sandboxes are used to safely examine email attachments and links. Suspicious content is opened within the sandbox to detect and mitigate threats like phishing attacks, ransomware, or other malicious payloads, thereby protecting personal and corporate data.

Webapp Testing

Web developers use Internet sandboxes to test new web applications or updates in a secure, isolated environment. This allows for the identification of potential security flaws, performance issues, or compatibility problems across different browsers and operating systems.

Testing New Software

Before installing new software or applications on their main system, individuals can use a sandbox environment to test them. This helps in identifying any potential issues or malware without risking their primary system's security or performance.

Malware Analysis

Internet sandboxes are used by cybersecurity professionals to analyze and understand malware behavior. By executing malicious software in a controlled, isolated environment, researchers can study its effects, propagation methods, and vulnerabilities without risking the integrity of their own systems or networks.

Forensic Analysis

Cybersecurity experts use Internet sandboxes for digital forensic analysis. When investigating security incidents, such as data breaches or network intrusions, sandboxes allow for the safe examination of suspicious files, aiding in understanding the attack vectors and impact.

Phishing Attack Simulation

Cybersecurity teams can use Internet sandboxes to simulate phishing attacks in a controlled environment. This helps in training employees to recognize and respond to malicious emails and DMs without risking the security of the actual network, enhancing organizational preparedness against real-world phishing threats.

Anonymous Shopping

Using an Internet sandbox, users can enhance their online shopping privacy, protecting themselves from tracking cookies, retailer data collection, and ISP surveillance. The sandbox prevents the profiling of browsing and purchasing habits, ensuring shopping activities remain discreet. The sandbox serves as a safeguard for personal information, offering a secure and confidential online shopping environment, while also mitigating concerns about external monitoring or data exploitation.

Stealth Social Media Presence

An Internet sandbox can be utilized to create and maintain an anonymous social media profiles, allowing users to interact on various platforms without revealing their true identity. This approach is ideal for those seeking to express opinions, join communities, or follow content without the risk of personal data exposure. The sandbox environment ensures that all activities related to the anonymous profile are isolated, preventing social media trackers from linking the profile back to the user's actual identity or other online activities.

Protecting Children's Internet Usage

Parents can utilize sandbox environments to create a safer browsing experience for children. This can prevent kids from accidentally downloading harmful software or accessing inappropriate content, while also protecting the family computer from potential threats.

What Is Browserling?

Browserling is a cloud-based Internet sandbox service primarily designed for security professionals, web developer, and testers offering a secure and isolated environment for cross-browser and cross-platform testing. It enables users to test websites, web applications, and software in multiple browser versions and operating systems without the need for setting up complex testing infrastructures. Additionally, this service is particularly valuable for tasks like opening untrusted links, running unknown programs, and conducting confidential online activities like anonymous shopping, where maintaining a secure and isolated browsing environment is essential.

Who Uses Browserling?

Browserling has now become the Internet sandbox platform of choice for security professionals and it's used by hundreds of thousands of users around the world every month. Browserling's customers include governments, states, cities, banks, stock exchanges, universities, newspapers, Fortune 100, Fortune 500 companies, and private multi-billion dollar companies.

Browse safe!